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Sponsor Preparation Guide


Here is a helpful guide to prepare for the upcoming CPIC Conference.


With the proper planning and approach, targeted conferences like the CPIC Conference can provide the perfect format for your agency, your company and you to begin building personal and professional relationships with those who could be your next client, your next teaming partner, your next employee or manager! Here are eight best practices to use in your CPIC Conference planning and approach:


(1) Make the most of your time at the Conference!

Ensure that your time at the conference is well spent by scheduling activities around the conference, such as hosting demos of tools, preparing your resumes or job postings and special signage in advance, hosting a reception or a meet-and-greet, scheduling meetings and reaching out to others who are also planning to attend. Perhaps schedule meals and breaks to connect or reconnect with those you know or want to get to know. Perhaps prepare events that focus on your tool, your specialty or your knowledge base and come prepared with invitations to distribute to those you want to be sure to reconnect with after the conference. Be sure you have adequate business cards. Sponsors may request a pre- and post- copy of the attendee list and can invite attendees to other events, meetings and activities as desired, as well as invite attendees to connect at booth locations in the vendor area proactively.


(2) Know your audience!

This one is pretty straightforward. If you are in IT Capital Planning in the federal government or an associated contractor, you already know the value of this conference and who attends. However, if you are new to the industry or the Portfolio Management, Investment Management, Governance and Capital Planning career field; this conference is where you will earn continuing educational credits and learn the tips, tools, lessons learned, best practices and guidance that keeps you current with ever-changing guidance, policies, practices and politics. Knowing how to connect with the agencies, businesses and practitioners in these fields will help you make priceless connections with subject matter experts and those who can be mentors, protoges, and powerful alliances for years to come. Part of the value is the powerhouse of speakers our Executive Board connects the attendees with each year on relevant topics; the other value of the conference is the audience - if you're committed to this career field, keep in mind: one's presence is noticed; and so is one's absence.


(3) Pick and send the right people!

Agencies and companies want to interact with line-of-business representatives, practitioners, and those who are committed to this industry. Some agencies send their entire teams to the conference; as do some businesses that have robust staff; so that everyone learns and connects together. If you want to be represented "on stage" in the agenda line-up, pick your best client, or your best subject matter expert. Send your knowledge workers and those who know the material, so that the connection maximizes the return on your resource investment. The most affordable way for groups to attend is to register parties of ten or more for a 10% discount or to register individually during the early bird and Forum discounts prior to any discount period deadlines.


(4) Enlist the help of CPIC Forum Advocates!

Ask CPIC Practitioners, Forum Executive Board Members, Forum Members, or Agency representatives about the conference and how to become involved in ways that will be most meaningful to you- and to them. Speaking opportunities, sponsor opportunities, promotions, follow-up events, contact lists, raffles, vendor areas, Cooper-Godlove CPIC Awards of Excellence and Candidates-to-Analyst Initiatives (C2AI) create opportunities to maximize your value and return of resource investment.


(5) Prepare for the Conference!

If you are going to attend, tell everyone you know in the field, and invite them too. Do you know who else is going and who you plan to connect with while you are there? Do you perform outbound marketing and want to announce your sponsorship and participation? Do you have a job to advertise, or are you looking for a job? It's important to have a plan to work towards so you know how to define success for yourself, your agency, or your company. If you are looking for a position, you should bring business cards (even if personal) and resumes. If you are advertising for a job, consider coordinating signage with your sponsorship booth to draw attention to your professional opportunities, or reach out to the conference staff to inquire about advertising using signage, the "Splash Screen" on stage during breaks, and the interactive brochures that are distributed year-round. If you are going for continuing professional educational credits, be sure you order a certificate of attendance and complete the survey to obtain proper credit.


(6) Focus on meeting attendee needs!

Too often, the emphasis on corporate branding in sponsor areas seems to supercede opportunities to connect with the attendees about what's really important to learn- best practices, strong past performance resolving complex policy and reporting challenges, and intelligence on upcoming new opportunities or re-competed work. Attendees stroll by vendor areas and pick up a pen or item without learning about job opportunities or powerful solutions. We encourage customized signage that speaks to specific accomplishments, white papers and case studies made available, and creative use of sponsor / exhibitor space designed to teach the attendee something they didn't know when they approached; and a way to reward them for their time and attention. 


(7) Make a break from the typical conference approach!

Rethink every aspect of your approach to the conference. Whether it's a booth, a message, or participants. What can you do to make your presence memorable? For Vergys at CPIC2015, it was cupcakes. For Steve O'Keefe (Founder of MeriTalk) at ÇPIC2014, it was presenting in an oversized sweater to speak to how one size does not fit all. For P2C2, it was measuring devices like rulers and measuring tapes to drive home their performance measures messages. From themes to creative give-aways and displays, to innovative CIO War-Gaming by Booz Allen Hamilton during receptions, there's a way to make learning fun, and make your presence relevant. Instead of giveaways, ask attendees to offer their favorite charity and conduct a drawing to the winning charity. Consider 5 or 10 minute scheduled chair massages while the attendee watches a tool demo and provides feedback. Çonsider bringing potential C2AI applicants who may be considering the benefits of our career field to offer them exposure and / or contributing to a scholarship for a future Ç2AI applicant. The Forum wants YOU to be the best success you can be, and we want to support your ideas and creative vision.


(8) Be prepared for the follow-up and then do so!

Determine your follow-up process before the Conference. Will you be sponsoring and obtaining attendee lists? Do you have a survey planned? Will you be offering a raffle and collecting business cards? Do you have a follow-on activity to invite contacts to? While impressions and information are still "fresh",  consider categorizing contacts into groups for follow-up: potential mentors, protoges, customers, teaming alliances, employers, employees- whatever works for your needs. Do you need to schedule meetings or interviews? If you know what you need to get out of your attendance, having a plan and being prepared to execute follow-up are imperative.


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